I’m not afraid of you, world!

I’m not afraid of you, world!

Don’t look at me like that.

I’m not scared of your steely eyes,

Your tough exterior,

Your harsh winds or cold dirty nights.

No, I’m not afraid of you world.

I’m not putting on body armor anymore.

Not putting on a mask.

Not hiding behind timid words or anxious defenses.

Because, I’m not afraid of you, world.

I see you, trying.

I see you, beautiful, vulnerable, messing up again and again.

I see your fears and wounds, too, world.

And, I’m not afraid of you, world.


Now read this

Bernie is a white man. And that’s ok.

I remember last year when the US presidential candidates surfaced, and, with all due respect to Dr. Carson, I thought, “wow, it’s going to be so weird to have a white president again.” As this long election season has played itself out,... Continue →