Home is not a place.

Hello, billowy cloudy starry sky, hey there.
Who are you foolin? You’re not here with me, you’re over there.

I know because I saw you over there.

I saw you in the eyes of kind strangers and in the cup of tea that took hours to sip and on the muddy road that stuck our car far away from it all, and then it got dark and I looked up and saw you and I was home.

I’ve swam through your boundless reaches on whim, sky.
I dove in, each time you called.
And, I’d do it again. I’d go to you, I’d need to, I’d want to, and in leaving for you, I’d feel home.

But now the gravity of change keeps me tied to this patch of earth. Dizzy from the lessons you’ve taught me, I fall to the dirt, far, far away from the relentless tide of your promised escape.

I must stay here, sky, and find home.


Now read this

Stolen Assets, Stolen Spotlight in Development Negotiations

In Addis Ababa last week, government leaders engaged in what has become trite political theater: wealthy “developed” states pretend their foreign aid is a magnanimous display of their generosity and economically poorer “developing”... Continue →